Halfway House
Is it just me, or is this door a little discomforting?
I didn't go in.
Busy day anyway, so no time for exploring other dimensions. We took the kids on the boat to Greenwich and had a very busy day exploring all it has to offer the homeschooler... The kids were so full of history (Henry VIII's palace, Maritime museum, history of clocks, astronomy and longitude) that it was probably a joy for them to lie back in the planetarium and watch the show. Watching Katherine's face when the woman read out the final line of her spiel was fun:
"There are more stars than there have been heartbeats in the whole of human existance"
That slow growing realisation on her face of what that means. Magic.
Later, we headed along to Chiswick to a fellow blipper's house to prepare for Carl's big party. The evening was lots of fun - food, wine and watching a movie (actually, once sunk into a big comfy sofa at the venue, with the lights low and a glass of red wine and bucket of curry to my side... I nodded off. Blissful.)
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