vada abditae

By TomS

Paddy's Bridge crosses Clapgate Beck and is on the Coast to Coast walk.

I have no idea who Paddy is, but walkers should be grateful that he was remembered by this bridge. Before the road bridge (a few yards to the north and lethal for walkers), everyone had to to ford the beck, which looked a safe passage but locals remember 16th November 1771, when the brothers William and Joseph Rookby were drowned here while crossing.

Cynics might note that the 16th November 1771 was a Saturday and this was the route back to the village from the local market town which has, since the 1170s, held its market on a Saturday. So it is entirely possible that William and Joseph would not have met our contemporary standards for being in charge of a vehicle. Oh well, it is still worth remembering when we look at this gentle trickle of the Beck today.

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