
By meles

Found chords

The first blip I saw this morning was meancoast's list of things to do - oh dear, yes, this place is a tip, there's so much cleaning/tidying to be done. I managed to do a bit of ironing (!!) and a fair amount of triage - as in (a) keep (b) recycle (c) landfill.

I did go out briefly to A Shop, but the rain came on quite suddenly so you were spared another mediocre shot of a cormorant.

I found this chord sequence in the middle of a heap of old receipts; I don't think it will be of any interest to the taxman. I have no idea what the tune/song is that it goes with. C minor is not a key I can easily sing (or play) in, so I must have transcribed these.... Oh, I see, I've tried transposing it into G minor to see if it looked any better. Still none the wiser. Think I'll go and have A Little Hum to myself.

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