
By scintilla

Cold Indulgence

It's a patently obvious assignment blip, but I'm not in a creative mood blipwise today, and this carton is likely to be killed tonight and not replaced until after the assignment's end. My better half and I have a particular weakness for ice cream whereas K might have a scoop or two and then wonder why a carton disappears before she's in the mood for another scoop. Good for her.

I received a strange email from my sister tonight. It seems she came across a collectibles website that was selling a photograph of our grandfather involved in a historic event during WWII. I can't go into the details or provide a link to the site as it has too much factual information as well as wholly grandiose embellishment such that it would compromise my relative anonymity. Although there's nothing sinister about the circumstances of the photograph, the hard sell text of the photograph made it seem that way in a ghoulish fashion. My sister asked me if we could sue the seller, but as far as I know it's essentially impossible to slander the dead as there are no "damages" per se. Only living people can be financially harmed if something harmful and untrue were said about them. Actually, I have papers and photographs much more interesting with regard to that event. It never occurred to me they had value on the internet.

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