Gable Erratic

By MsGable


More birding today and a very wet drive over to Lytham-St-Annes where a juvenile Red-necked Phalarope had turned up on Friday. It was a very sweet little bird, but very active and distant, so my photos of it are poor. The weather did not help as the rain was lashing down throughout the long walk round the lake.

Having mislaid my waterproof leggings, which I had yesterday but did not need, I was sodden when we got back to the car. So wet trousers off and wrapped in a blanket, G had to drive home. I knew there would be a reason for having that blanket in the car, though it would have been better had it been my waterproofs.

This lady started to walk along the seafront with her dog but her umbrella became a thing controlled by the devil and she soon turned tail. The poor dog, whose red coat was flapping madly and not shielding him at all, seemed more than happy to shorten his walk.

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