~kdoes in Berlin

By kdoes


Went to get my visa for India, it was a mad day!

* Handing in passport for visa's can be done between 10-12 @ the Indian embassay in the Hague
* Leave Groningen at 07.44 to arrive in the Hague at 10.25 to give us 1.5 hours to get to the embassy and hand in our passports
* Do something in the Hague
* Pick up passport at 15.00
* Go home

* Visa services have been outsourced since yesterday. This place accepts passports between 9.00 and 11.30
* Leave Groningen at 07.44 arriving in the Hague at 10.45 (20 minutes late) because of signal errors.
* Sprint to the bus that leaves at 10.47
* Sit in bus that goes the wrong way (5min).
* Get out of the bus, get in bus that goes the right way. Return to Central Station (+10min).
* Get out of bus near destination, no road signs so assume that the name of the stop is also name of the street (it's 11.15 by now).
* RUN RUN RUN from number 1 to number 72.
* At number 70, spot a streetsign: it's the wrong street!
* Walk back to busstop.
* Go the opposite way of first attempt.
* Arrive at visa place at 11.45.
* Hand in passport, no visa today (luckily they are going to mail them back).

After the whole visa deal we had a great lunch. And then went to a photography museum which was showing photo's by Leonard Freed. The show was very impressive, I wish I could take photo's like that. This photo is actually of one of the ceilings at the museum, there were about 60 of these sets of lights.

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