Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Late summer colour

I've experimented for my blip today using crumpled brown paper for the background. The yellow flower is from one of my herbaceous plant - can't think what it is called at the moment - which flowers late in the season and provides a splash of colour when most other flowers have gone over. The Michaelmas daisies are just about to flower so the bees and other insects are competing for the few remaining flowers.

As you will see I have done a bit of tweaking in Photoshop. I'm not really satisfied but it's a first attempt using the paper and I quite like the soft background as an alternative to white.

My back blips from my recent holiday are now all in place: from Sept 28 - 31 if you have time to look.

By back blipping I managed to pop over the 100 barrier without realising it. Thanks to all of you who watch my blips and for your helpful comments over the last 3+ month.
Here's to the next 100!

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