Chick Flick

By Flick

Travelling to Cornwall

Travelling to Cornwall takes six hours and is over 300 miles away, it takes conversations about travelling,plans on what to see,discussions about men, children.grandchildren,work,blipfoto,food,relatives,news,the housing market,food,drink
the bright low sunshine in our eyes all the way we pass thru,Northamptonshire,Warwickshire,around Birmingham,Glouscestershire, Somerset Devon long chat here about our memories of living in Devon and finally Cornwall....
We arrive at our BB just as the sun goes down...we unpack..we wait untill 7.00pm
We go on foot and find a pub we eat we drink ..alot
Scarlett starts talking VERY LOUDLY on the way home I find this hairdressers,it's late and it's dark,Scarlett is being very NOISY just like this photo,it intrigues me it's stuck in a time warp abit like Camborne itself...One of us is literally staggering back...

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