Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Colorful Bricks

I was cooking dinner tonight after Loren's soccer practice and realized Landon had been way too quiet for way too long. Then he came inside from out back and he said I needed to go see something he had made. I never know what I'm in for when I hear those words. When I went outside he had colored all of the bricks with chalk. I actually thought it was really pretty....until I discovered something. Everywhere the dog walked in our house, there was a new color paw print. It was like Rainbow Brite brought a litter of puppies with her. Colorful paw prints were everywhere in the house! Since I'm back-blipping...I can say that I left the chalk for a full day afterwards because of mommy-guilt of destroying his beautiful design he created. However, I can only mop so many times before I finally washed it away as well as the rainbow on the house floors. Next time the sidewalk chalk will be used in the front yard where doggie doesn't roam.

Scout went to the emergency vet tonight when his neck swelled up with a large mass. The emergency vet suspects a salivary gland cyst or Sialocele. Poor puppy had to have fluid drawn from it. He's had a difficult month and Gary ended up missing small group to take him for this emergency visit. We are glad that it didn't affect his breathing since the vet said to bring him in for fear of that. He will be following up next week at his regular vet to see what we need to do next :(

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