
By Bitblonde

LIFE'S A BITCH... (But so am I!)

Had a shit few days I can tel you!!

Went to sign class on Tuesday morning & was paired with a right idiot of a woman. She started talking to me with her mouth full of a bite out of her roll (in a class-idiot), so I said to her 'I can't hear you I'm deaf & your talking with your mouth full'. Then she shows me a list & says 'I want you to sign that sentence to me'. So I did but her reply was to finger-spell every tiny word in the sentence (2 of which she could have signed), so I suggested she could cut out the small words & just sign the main words (like we are taught to do) & she went right off on one saying I should find some one else to sign with!
So was pissed off with that then went to work at lunch time and it was a nightmare with fights & cheek off the kids (I work as a playground supervisor).
Then had aoubt 10 mins to get to a Doctors appointment... Half way there & the car dies. Didn't want to call out the RAC & couldn't get my mate on the mobile, was shitting bricks as has i had pulled into a bus stop, but then I managed to start the car again but then got stuck behind a bloody bin lorry while it emptied ALL the streets bins. Got to appointment 20 mins late so they wouldn't take me. On the way back up the road the car died on me again... Started after about 2 mins this time tho. Went to Asda & on way out of car park car died AGAIN!! Got home in one piece.
Dippy daughter then comes in later that night telling me that she is dropping out of college.
Wednesday I go to work & 1st thing that happens is a huge fight in the playground, so I wade in & there's no other adult in sight, soon as I pull 1 horror off, another jumps in & each time it was one of 4 horrors jumping in & each time they jamp in I was getting bootted or knocked at same time!! Managed to split it up & got 2 of the little sh**s in to the school & reported what happened. Can tell yu, I am about to quit job!!! Guising at night with Kade was fun tho...
Thursday today, lets see what more shit life throws at me!! Sat here chillin' out for half an hour before I go into work... not looking forward to it :(

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