awful impediment

If only office windows were openable; it might be deemed pertinent to request that all offices overlooking sections of tomorrow's pope-route be vacated for the same reasons requiring the footbridge over the West Approach Road to be closed. I'm not entirely sure what they think people might use the bridge for, anyway. It's not overlooking the route of the procession, though it would perhaps be an inconvenient thing for the polices to have to drive through if someone thought to unscrew it from the supports so that it dropped to the road below. Openable windows overlooking the procession route would be much more sensible things to require to be vacated as there's much more could be done from them. Weeing all over the popemobile, perhaps? Weeing into condoms and flinging them at the popemobile or anyone watching the processing in a supportive rather than disapproving capacity? Perhaps the catholic church only objects to condoms when used contraceptively. A route lined by people leaning out of windows rousingly singing a rough approximation of Tim Minchin's Pope Song until those assembled and processing get the message would be nice. The scariest thing will (as ever) be the amount of children coerced into being in a procession or being dragged along to one of these open-air gigs, demonstrating the scary numbers of people still into this sort of thing. The pope himself isn't likely to pay the slightest attention to any protests he passes but if they can make just one or two believers question themselves they'll have done a good job.

I'd never be able to pull off claiming to be ignoring the whole thing on the grounds of not believing any of the religion practised by nor liking any of the the shite emitted from the mouths of Ratzinger and his pals but should at least be able to conduct my day's business without too much papal impediment and might possibly even be able to start it without having to deal with as many badly-driven cars as is usual, though the potential reduction in car volumes might conceivably result in slightly larger numbers of fuckwit-cyclists jumping lights or, as one particular cockwit heading north along Causewayside past the end of West Preston Street was doing this morning, jumping red lights whilst using a mobile which removed his hand from his most effective brake. Whilst the road around the hill is shut the cycle path inside which has become my favoured route in is reported by the council to be unimpeded, except perhaps by some of the many fuzz carefully watching all the barriers around the generally Holyroodish area this evening under the glare of the lights placed there seemingly to illuminate the small flock of telly-transmission lorries in the palace car park.

Popped to The Illusionist after work before popping to the flat, then the house, then back to the flat to drop off all the instructions for appliances and to stick up a notice asking future tenants not to put things in the cupboard where the boiler is. Despite lots of pre-film speaking from all the posh old people the worst noise during the film came from the child two seats to the left, who made the mistake of pondering aloud where some of the bits were. A little speaking was anticipated when there's an element of locality onscreen but the time for saying "Where's that bit? Oooh look it's there. That's that thing there ooh" and so on is when sitting at home watching it on DVD, not when two seats from me, especially during a film which demonstrates that sometimes there is no need for dialogue.

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