
By mandygf

terrible teens....

... never mind the terrible two's.....

day didn't get off to a good start with the teen, didn't want to get out of bed, then started whining that she wanted to come home for lunch, but I had far too much to do to be running after her ( meanie that I am....) then when I left for work she started on her dad that she wanted to go along the street with her friends for lunch & when he said no, he got the "Kevin & Perry" strop..."it's so unfair... all my friends get to go...."

when I got home I got stuck into the bedrooms getting them sorted out, most of the wee man's stuff is now in the room, got half my living room back & he's been having a ball rediscovering all his toys, he was like a kid at Christmas today, his favorite was his wooden blocks!

thought I'd be a good wife & make Stuart some cupcakes to take to work tomorrow, seeing it's his last day there, only just finished & am ready for bed, so wont be spending much time on here tonight....

oh yes, before I forget.... wee man is 21 months today & has been asking to use the potty all afternoon, he thought it was great fun when we all clapped & cheered last night when he used his potty & now wants to use it all the time, has got it right a couple of times today, so proud of my boy xxx

I know she doesn't look like a terrible teen in this pic... just loved her smile in this one, she looks so much older than her 12 years, scary stuff!

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