this luminous life.

By Laura


Miles Davis.

There are a lot of stories I can share through each photo, as well as a lot of story behind my blip itself!

It all started here on October 26, 2006, back when blip was a wee community and people hadn't yet started to mass comment welcome cheers on the blips of newcomers. I had decided to join after two friends of mine at the time started blips of their own. [Where are they now? Let's say they've both unsubscribed from of those "friends" suddenly cut off communication with me when he found I was thinking about dating his "best friend" -- whom I later convinced to join blip as well :)]

I've managed to capture a grim reaper, a suicidal teddy bear (twice!), sky photos of Chicago and New York City, double dates, a cool raccoon, my first trip to the opera, a duck from Hooters, the best New Year's Eve ever, a taping of a television show, strange classes, my 100th blip with jello, a Mastodon concert, a valentine, a crazy piece of art, a saran-wrapped SUV, dirty words in the snow, ants, a shaving cream explosion, a great spring break, beautiful trees, puzzles (and more puzzles!), a very delicious smoothie, a random "graveyard" discovery on campus -- a good example of something I wouldn't have taken a picture of if I didn't have blip as a reason to carry my camera around, a water park, sad beautiful roadkill, fuzzy caterpillars, an autographed book, knocking a tree down, cicadas, beautiful sky after the rain, flowers for my birthday, raindrops on a bird's wing, my tomato plants, a limo invasion, some fun at work, the Bean -- a chicago tourist attraction, finding my grandfather's grave, an adorable pig, my new frog, thumbtacks in my fingers, a bad morning with a broken camera, roller coasters, a fetus in a jar, New York City, and more....

Because of blip, I have been able to take notice of my surroundings a lot more--paying attention to the normal details in my life as well as paying more attention to the world outside my little bubble. I have also been able to connect a little bit better with other members of the community. I have also been able to learn more about the people I know in my life through what they like to capture with their cameras.


As for the actual blip itself, some of the kids at the Salvation Army were cutting shapes and stamping papers so I decided to make my own.... :) Yay, stamps!


I'm not planning to stop doing blip at all.
I just got my computer back (I am uploading this on the 31st).
I will upload the rest of the pictures for the rest of the week soon.
(Later tonight, perhaps?) I want to enjoy the balloon for a bit... ;-)

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