
By rainie

NZ Native Kowhai Flower

Just home and this is on the way into the house, looked pretty in the late afternoon sun.

"The yellow flowering Kowhai is a small New Zealand tree whose flowers enjoys iconic status. Each island (north and south) has its own dominant type - Sophora tetraptera in the north and Sophora microphylla in the south. There are also many hybrids in the wild and in gardens. This tree sounds like a sociable separatist! " (Google)

The flowers are a golden sulphur yellow, and appear in spring in hanging clusters. The word 'kowhai' means yellow in Maori. Native birds like tuis and kereru (wood pigeons) love the nectar - unfortunately these birds don't visit my garden. I've heard they can get carried away and rip the flowers enthusiastically to shreds...

I have used the lensbaby today, f2.8 +4 macro. I like the background and the swirls it has given me.

Finished work for the day, have two places to go tonight.....think I'll opt for Indian meal with my work mates. The other option is a an evening using layers, just a little workshop run by our photography club. Since I haven't reloaded all my programmes it seems a waste of time.

Sunny today, but a lazy wind.

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