Faking halloween

We don't do Halloween around here. But just to get in the spirit of things, here my most Halloween thingy around.

Yes, its a rubber ducky
Yes, i have this thing within arms reach when i'm at my desk
yes, you've seen it before
and finally, yes, its not very inspired. again.

I was going to shoot a fountain close by. but then i got lazy tonight, so that one might be for tomorrow. Or i'll just take the cam with me to the bar (pubquiz night). My other plan for today was the annoying kids and the fireworks they were playing with. But i didn't want to just put up kids that i don't really know, and that i shot with a tele-lens on the internet. That, and the black things i put on their eyes made them look like little criminals, instead of just annoying kids...

so, you get an illuminated ducky. deal with it! :D

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