And I think to myself
I was wandering down to the station this morning with the usual thoughts going through my head, money for this, money for that, work for this work for that and thought does it ever end? Is there an end in sight for the constant demands on your life?
It was a grey and overcast morning, the wind is buffeting me around and so I forwent the underbrella - no point in breaking something just to keep the frizz that is my hair under control.
I had given in to the idea of being soaked before I got to the office - always a good way to start your day, and was heading in early because of the pile of work I didn't get through yesterday.
Then for no good reason, I turned round and there, behind me was the most gorgeous sun rise I have seen. How sad I was I only had iPhone - I took several pictures as it just got better and better. Even now as I sit on the train, the golden fingers are reaching in and highlighting the now golden streaks in my hair.
The world has a way of telling you things are going to be okay, eventfully, and until they are it will brighten your spirits by giving you little lifts like this.
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