Eyeless in Capel
I still had one tricky page to finalise for the quarterly magazine, and originally meant to wrap things up last night. On second thoughts, I decided that I deserved a bit of a break and left it until this morning. I had it cleared up by 1.30 and sent off a proof to the client. Immediately after lunch I then went in to town for yet another meeting with my do-them-a-favour-and-regret-it-and-certainly-never-again friends. Despite all the hassle I was still anxious for them to see a physical mockup of what I was proposing for their table place-name cards. As one tiny little further indication of their self-centered thinking, their suggestion of a place to meet was aiming at suiting them rather than me, which added further fuel to my not-so-keen-on-them fire. Anyway, I produced the sample card and they loved it. Now all that remains is to produce print-ready artwork for the final batch of jobs and meet them one last time tomorrow morning at Hacketts print shop to hand everything over for printing. Hallelujah!
It was as I walked back along Capel Street to my car (hoping against hope that the clampers had left me alone despite being ten minutes late) that I noticed the display in an optician's window on the way. I just had to stop and grab a quick blip (this character was only one of a dozen or so being used to model spectacle frames).
Back home I had some final corrections to make to the quarterly magazine, which brought my day up to 6.30 pm. I went for a nap at 7.00, it's now 10.30, and it's time to tidy up both the "favour" and the paying job in readiness to hand both on for printing tomorrow morning. Phew! From now on it's going to be me, me, me. I intend to concentrate fully on final preparation for the holiday. I reckon I deserve it.
Back-blips are Unoccupied and Hidden courtyard.
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