A Dog's Dinner

By G

Books to Inspire

I'm on the hunt for a good photography book. I'm looking for a portfolio, reportage book, well printed with big pictures - any ideas?

I got some money from the Memsahib for my birthday on the condition I got myself a decent photo book - she's not a bad old trout.

These are a couple of my favourites which I keep coming back to time and time again Sebastiao Salgado's Workers: Archaeology of the Industrial Age and Don McCullin's Homecoming., both amazing records of social history and torturous person journeys.

Not always easy to look at but the work of genius.

On another completely unrelated topic - we were contacted today by NPR that great American institution, who want to add life.turns to their website with some background information.

Now that is cool.

God Bless America!

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