
Kind of how I'm feeling today. Have a headache again today. I'm sure it's the air at work. I work in a building with lots of glass windows, the kind that don't open. It's always hot and dusty and I find the air difficult to breathe. There's an air con system of sorts that doesn't operate when it's hot?! Pretty sure that can't be actual air con. Anyway there's nothing I can do about it so best stop complaining!

I had a hospital appointment this morning so I took Aidan to nursery. I prefer to pick him up. Dropping him off is quite depressing, seeing his sad eyes as mummy walks away. He was a good boy at nursery today and seemed to enjoy it as usual.

The hospital was a waste of time too. An hour of my life I won't be able to get back and a half day holiday from work wasted! They were supposed to take bloody tests but the nurse was too 'scared' as my veins aren't easy to find. So now I need to go to the phlebotomist next week! Grrr!

Must stop moaning! Think it's just that Monday feeling :)

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