
By Instography

On a break - Eli

I had very low expectations today what with the weather being dreadful and me feeling dreadful because some wee bubble-blowing cutey pie that everybody assumes is an angel decided that 4am was enough sleep and that it was time to get up and play. Aye. Cheers.

Anyway, the morning was rubbish. I was trying out an idea which I won't bore you with but it wasn't working with my 100mm so I think I'll need to start a campaign for a nice 200mm that would solve all my problems (Mandy, when you're reading this, I mean ALL my problems even the non-photographic ones so money well spent really. A bargain. Honest).

So giving up on that I went looking for someone on a break at lunchtime, ignoring the easy option of spotting Stuart and a couple of his chums at West Register House. I came upon Eli sitting in a wee nook in wall of the office building next to Bar Roma, although she was on her break from Pizza Express across the street. She was, as everyone is, puzzled and amused but obliging. So thank you.

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