Pre-Raffle Light...

By matthk


Not technically the best bit of graffiti I'd seen that week, but certainly the strangest. It made me laugh out loud, which - as I was walking home along Duncan place, just near the bottom of Leith Walk - is not the safest thing to do.

By the way... the first person to say, "oh that's SO random!" gets a Gypsy curse on their bowels.

I'm Sorry, but I refuse to wear 3/4 'shousers', or ride a fold up scooter round the office 'just 'cos I'm a wacky designer' or wear sunglasses ON TOP OF MY FARKING HEAD and I will RESIST 'til my dying day the current f-f-f-f-f-f-fad of using the word "RANDOM" to describe odd, unusual, 'wacky', bizarre or surreal events.

Rant over. I feel better now.
Take my house!

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