Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Stephen Fry Live! :)

This is where I'm going this evening... Sadly being in Northern Ireland means I can't go to the actual show, so needless to say I was extremely excited when I found out that it was being streamed to my uni's cinema. :) My best friend and I are going, being an avid Fry fan, I had to find someone to drag along... Don't get me wrong, she likes him too, just not to the same extent as me... ;) I'll let you know how it goes... :)

Having a really lazy day up until the show though... Still in my pjs at 1.45pm, spent my morning watching 90210, I love that show, and doing 6.5km on the exercise bike, I'm rather proud of that achievement...;) But I think it's about time I went and did something constructive with my day... Ta ta for now...


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