The second half of life..

By twigs

The warning......

Busy day - 5/5 periods taught including taking a class off-site over lunchtime thus no lunch....then a meeting after school (which gathered steam as it wore on so actually ended up as a positive and productive experience, which was good.)

Decided on way home to visit my duck pond to see if there's any ducklings around yet. No ducklings, but this chap and his lady friend squawked and carried on as soon as I stepped out from the car so I figured they may have a nest they were protecting.

About 15 minutes into my foray a wee ball of fluff shot out from the sedges and headed across the pond......too quick for me to capture but telling me that I need to go back again soon......

So tonight......

For reasons of simplicity I'm sure, this song immediately came to mind as I was uploading tonight's blip.......the Kiwi '12 days of Christmas' - I can see I still have a few things to gather together to complete the set!

On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
A pukeko in a ponga tree

and so on, until...

On the twelfth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Twelve piupius swinging
Eleven haka lessons
Ten juicy fish heads
Nine sacks of pipis
Eight plants of puha
Seven eels a swimming
Six pois a twirling
Five - big - fat - pigs !
Four huhu grubs
Three flax kits
Two kumera
And a pukeko in a ponga tree!

By the way - and just in case you're wondering - there are still 88 shopping days to Christmas by my calculations!!

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