MSU Union
It's finally here. My 200th blip!
This is the Union Building At Michigan State University, My Alma Mater.
I had the pleasure of attending a Fraternity function in East Lansing this weekend and figured this would be a good spot to blip #200. According to this article, "The MSU Union has been the most heavily used building on campus since 1925, and remains so today."
I had been all set to blip the Iconic Beaumont tower but this B&W of the Union is my fave for the day. This is kind of a cheater as I have some back blipping to do but for now I'll bask in the glow of my red balloon.
Thanks to Willis for finding and suggesting blip and kudos to all who work in the background to keep things pleasant and running smoothly. Many many thanks to all who stop in and comment. (and to those who simply look and move on) Being able to view photos from around the world and interact with all you great people makes blipfoto such a unique and interesting place.
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