No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Lossie Beach

A lazy day today, firstly dealing with the hangovers from all that wine last night... Then (once the torrential rain had stopped) a visit to Lossiemouth and an invigorating walk along the beach blew the cobwebs away.

Lunch out at Johnson's of Elgin (lunch was thankfully way cheaper than the cashmere on sale), then back to L&S's plot and got the wellies on for a tour of the site - S has been very busy building roads, laying foundations and now starting to get the walls up. Their house is going to be absolutely stunning when it's finished. So impressed, I could never do it.

Then we cracked open some more wine (hair of the dog and all that) and did a bit more eating, chatting and catching up, but after last night's efforts, we were all in bed by 10pm... party on!! :-)

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