Country File

By marypot

Queen Ophelia

Ophelia models my Hen Chick gear from last night. Have backblipped yesterday as it was an exceedingly late one, but brilliant nonetheless! I was VERY glad of a long lie in this morning. I was also very glad of the Nigella Triple Cheese and Onion Strata I'd prepped yesterday, ready to bang into the oven for a bit at lunchtime today. Hooray for Nigella and her heavenly comfort food!

Today, I admit, I have never got round to changing out of my PJs, despite having had plans to go out and stuff. Oh well. Sometimes you just need a day of lolling around, and the beauty of living in the middle of nowhere is that you can poddle around the farm and the fields in your PJs (as I did earlier when I went out and about with Gracie), and no one will see you - or if they do, I don't suppose they would care. :)

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