Last plodge of the year?

So much for the day of rest with a brisket to be rubbed down with mustard,oil, cumin, coriander and cinnamon and in the oven by 8am. Mind you, I do insist on roasting it for over five hours on a low heat so only myself to blame. Then off to Tesco for essentials we forgot about and then back in time to do the veggies and Yorkshire pud's.

A quick breather after lunch and then off round to Mrs Smith's Mum's house to deliver her Sunday dinner before going along to Yellowcraig Beach... "Best UK beach for urbanites in search of the sea" Condé Nast Traveller (2007). Is that the most poncy award ever?

Everyone enjoyed what may well be the last plodge of the year. Even the whippet joined in. Mind you that was only because she had an inkling that Ruby had some cheese in her pocket.

After that burst of fun it was back to iron some shirts, bully the kids to do homework, eat again and then wrestle them to bed.

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