Send In The Reinforcements

Woke up this morning feeling much better (see yesterday). There is no noticeable difference in my eye color but hopefully soon.

Finished 'The Host' by Stefanie Meyer and went back to reading 'The Girl with the Dragon tattoo'. bothhh veryy good and i recommend.

Went to the mall with Megan for an hour and didn't spend any money. How awful. Demi's mommy came to visit for the day and she picked us up and we went to Friday's for dinner with her and Demi. It was quite nice to eat an entire meal that didn't make me nauseous but full. =]]]

Went to the football game for a bit (clearly). We won 14-3 Go red foxessssss

Happy National Grandparents day Granny and Papa cause I know you are reading this =]] Thanks for offering to visit but we shall re-schedule <3 =]

And Never Forget 9/11. RIP<3

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"
-Alice in Wonderland

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