Club 107

By club107

Are you looking at me ...

Actually today was a relaxing day where my mind spiralled between many things, bizarrely or perhaps not, many inspired by what I was going to photograph today. It was a weird day, dates bring back memories, often good, sometimes not so good, pushing one to confront how to do things, how to broach certain subjects with kids which if I am absolutely honest, I don't think I really think should be discussed.

It just so happens that what I had thought regarding the anniversary today was to avoid mentioning at the moment. I know of an instance where showing such an such a film to kids really traumatised them for a long time. Not to mention the complex issues to hand regarding and reasons behind such incidents. Anyway to cut a long story short, we went to pick up a takeaway from our favourite Chinese restaurant and they happened to be showing United 93 on the television.

So I found myself struggling to explain why I wasn't keen for eldest child to watch a film, which she guessed involved a plane that would crash. Very very tricky. When do you share stuff like that? I recall reading that Chomsky had read about politics at a very early age but somehow I think it can wait for Modern Studies. Eldest daughter is a very bright kid, she knows when certain things are best not discussing, I think she realises that if I suggest it, there is probably a very good reason.

More brambles today, house chores and many attempts to photograph #1son, in order to redress a balance of too many shots of lines and fluff rather than portraits.

Saturday night at Club107 for as long as I can remember has involved watching a film with the kids and so was the case again tonight. This will one day be a blip, very much a what we do shot. So tonight was Shrek the Third, not our favourite film but with the Chinese food some ice cream and the kids tickling my feet session, very much my personal achiles heel, the evening could not have been much better.

Lovely day with coffees outside.


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