Retirement in Montana

By tomtaylor

September 11, 2001

To all the brave fire fighters who risked their lives, I thank you.
To all the brave police personnel who risked their lives, I thank you.
To all the brave people who risked their lives, I thank you.

Every September 11th, my husband pulls out his New York Fire Department shirt (he bought it in Las Vegas at New York New York) and wears it to honor all the brave men and women who were involved in the rescue effort from that horrible day back in 2001. Also to honor everyone who lost their lives because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I still get a sick feeling in my tummy when I see pictures of that day and wonder how the families of the ones that didn't make it back home are doing. I am sure the pain is still very deep and real to them.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could live in peace and just be happy for the other person that lives around the corner or in another country. Just because they don't agree with their ways of life doesn't mean that they have the right to take their lives away from them.

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