
By Sox


This is an online tour of some of the earthquake cracking to our wonderful home. The seriousness of these cracks does not show in the photos, but it involves a disintegration of the integrity of the structre- that basically is the house!
I might do the indoor tour tomorow... It is a lot safer to view by photo. Today the army was called out to prevent sight seeing in some of the worst areas. We are starting to feel like putting a soldier on our gate as well! Not that we dont love and appreciate each and every person that does visit, but it is the sheer quantity when you are most distracted and tired that makes it very hard work. The repitition is also quite disturbing as the more you do it, the more you realise the seriousness of it. In some ways you can get used to a lot and absorb a huge amount of loss and punishment, but the reactions of others sometimes make it worse on an emotional level. Today for instance, the 95 year old great nana came and cried, and then at the same time the tennis court man said he wasnt impressed his rates and taxes were being used to help "rich buggers like you fix their houses".
As we were trying to investigate a flooding issue with water pumping 4l/min into our property in some unknown location, the neighbours dog broke open its gate and raced out and attacked my puppy and bit her twice. The noise and the stess of that was definitely not helpful! I had watched a programme on television recently called The Dog Whisperer, and he talked about dogs reacting to "bad energy"
Watch out everyone canine or not, we have very bad energy round here at the moment!

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