
By bulliblip

fridge in garden

Right. This isn't going well. Firstly, this week we get a chap in to quote for bathroom repairs following the massive leak. All good so far, at least we'll fix the bathroom (and the damaged kitchen wall). Then the boiler breaks for the final time. So we book in for a new one. Not so happy, it's all gettting a bit pricey. But at least we're managing to replace our broken fridge with an absolute bargain fridge freezer from Mr B's work colleague. Or are we?

Tonight, we spent a whole lot of time removing the broken fridge from our kitchen. It was wedged in. For some unknown reason the kitchen was built around it. We remeasured the space (we thought it was 60cm). It's 59.5cm. The new fridge won't fit. We just bought a new new fridge on the Comet website. Oh joy.

Here's the old fridge in the garden. In the rain. ENOUGH WITH THE DOMESTIC PROBLEMS.

We're going to Hull tomorrow. That'll cheer us up. No really.

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