Gable Erratic

By MsGable


These are the berries on a tree I planted about three years ago. The label has disappeared so I don't know what it is, but this is the finest crop of berries we've had so far. But now the Blackbirds have started to eat them. But I'm not going to complain.

For the last few days a lady Blackbird has been hiding in the hedge by the kitchen door, she was very bedraggled, and had lost her tail. She only seemed to come out of hiding if we went out where she was in the garden, and then she came to eat some raisins.
This morning she was in a very sorry state, and ran across the lawn towards me, and unfortunately the cat, when I went out. I shooed the cat away and once the bird had eaten she went and hid again.

This evening when I got home from work she scuttled across the lawn, and half ran, half flapped, and then ran over my foot. She obviously could not fly anymore. She let me pick her up and closed her eyes. She is now in a safe place, in the warm and dry, and has eaten a few of her beloved raisins. Most of the time she has her eyes closed and I hope she passes on during the night.

I know some will say I should finish her off, but she has been in our garden for years and seems to have sought us out in her last days, so be it.

After yesterday's fantastic day this one is a bit sad. But thank you everyone for your comments, and the Spotlight page! And now, though I don't know how it works, I am on the Rated page! Woohee, thank you!

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