Mainichi no Kioku

By saki


Change of theme today! I walked around Clarke Quay with my mum before heading to my Grandma's today! Took some shots here and there and we went to have Japanese cuisine at Liang Court! It tasted so great!

I went around searching for flowers but they are the same as what I have posted previously. Nice flowers are rare in Singapore...

I saw this lovely cat under a viod deck near my Grandma's! It is really friendly! I waaved to it and it came over!!!! :D This is one of the better shots because it is too dark and I have to on the flash, and it closed it eyes whenever the flash goes off. I wish I have such beautiful eyes as well~~ T_T

There goes my Friday~~ I keep on having the thought that today is a Sunday... Great I can relax slightly on the coming weekend before I start to mug for the next paper!

I wonder what will I find tomorrow... Ciao!


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