Vessels of the Damned

This is how Bill Bailey described sausages this evening. Something about containing the tortured souls of animals and this is how you could spoil the atmosphere at a meat-based barbeque, which doesn't sound funny now, but when watching Bill Bailey say it within a funny context, it was hilarious. Poor man had a slipped disc and had a cold, but that didn't stop the hilarity (and it sometimes added to it). We had front row seats at the small Leicester Square Theatre and enjoyed the comedian's rendition of Gary Numan's 'Cars' with a whole set of musical car horns.

The show was on quite late so there was time to explore the West End. It was really buzzing and we passed an impromptu dancing fest near Leicester Square where some young folk had joined in with the Hare Krishnas - I almost dragged Fred into the celebration, but he sensibly moved on. Down on the South Bank, there were a host of photographers with tripods, not associated with each other, but standing in different areas of bridges and river bank. Perhaps the dramatic evening light had brought them out - either that or something was coming by the South Bank that I didn't know about. This blip is a view of the North Bank from Waterloo Bridge. I work a few days a week in the building with the clock tower. I love the way this building and the Adelphi beside it are lit. Further along, the illuminated arched building is Charing Cross station.

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