John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

Talkin' to myself and feelin' old
Sometimes I'd like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin' around
Nothing to do but frown
Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down.
as sung by The Carpenters

Well, it's not nearly as bad as all that! And it's not Monday, although first day seriously back at work. E-mails beaten into submission. People's crisis lists shared. Piles of mail reduced!

But Guernsey sun to Edinburgh rain is not calculated to improve the moment. Lunch with two colleagues now at the New Club - those who know Edinburgh need to be assured, "no, I am not a member, and am invited to eat there but rarely!" My club membership is much cosier! And cheaper!

But the day ended well! Twilight in Cluny Gardens

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