
By superrstine

The H Word

I've spent most of the past two days doing homework. Math homework to be more specific. I'm a math major, no longer by choice but by the fact that it is just easier to finish the requirements than change majors.

Granted, I've wasted a lot of time this week playing Mario Cart on the Nintendo 64 one of my housemates brought to school; too much time actually, but we have to enjoy college as well as excel in classes, right? A lot of my time was spent voting for Unstaged as you can see from yesterday's blip as that I think about it.

Now that it's after midnight, I've realized that actually reading the chapter in my math textbook would have helped with the assignment, but I have no energy or patience left to read the chapter and re-do the assignment for tomorrow, so I will take the grade I get on this one and hope to do way way way better in the future. I will also make a promise to all of you blippers to read the chapter before attempting the homework from here on out. If I break a promise to you, I will just be ashamed.

Night ya'll.

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