Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A birthday rose - not Ansel Adams

Today I started out with the idea of recreating an Ansel Adams image, the one with the eggs, the egg slicer, vase, bottle and kitchen implements. Then I discovered we no longer possess an egg slicer. I also realised that I just don't understand still life. However I tried, my selection of images looked pathetic.

So, I took the rose I had in a vase as part of the still life and laid it down on a cloth. I took the image and converted it to monochrome in Photoshop. We learn advanced monochrome techniques in our photo class this morning, so I felt I had to submit a monochrome image for my blip.

I like the detail in the petals and in the table cloth, neither of which was really noticeable in the colour image.

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