Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

Comma Butterfly

(Polygonia c-album) Quite a comman butterfly, though i haven't seen many around this year. They get their name from the one white mark on the underside of their dark wings.. The jagged edge of the wings are suppose to look like withered leaves as they sit and collect pollen, to camouflage them.

These can acutally be seen all year around, they survive the winters in adult form,producing a second generation each year.

Isn't it beautiful. this one was just sat resting catching some sun when i spotted it. I did get a slightly closer image but clipped one of the wings, that can be seen here

Quite hairy aren't they.

Not got much planned today really, Shall be pottering around the house, then off to the dr's again later. Nothing serious just an asthma check for my eldest as we've changed drs.

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