Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Raw chocolate

Today I made raw chocolate for the first time. It was a sort of "beginner's raw chocolate" though, since I only used raw cocoa butter and ordinary cocoa powder. Normally they use raw cocoa beans (or cocoa nibs), cocoa butter (and cocoa powder).

It's much healthier than ordinary chocolate because when you make it from unprocessed ingredients all the antioxidants and other healthy stuff (most of which are eliminated in the heating process of industrial chocolate making) remain in the final product.

I made three small portions, all of which were spiced in different way. The one in photo contains goji berries and chili powder and a little bit of honey to give some sweetness. One of the chocolates got way too little of honey. It tasted really STRONG. Couldn't have eaten many bites of it unless I had made one of the chocolates very sweet. It gave a nice balance between bitterness and sweetness.

Some recipes

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