I feel infinite.

By racheelz

So Long Sweet Summer

School starts tomorrow. Although I'm somewhat excited for senior year, I'm still really sad that summer's ending already. How did it pass by so quickly?!

I liked my break from senior portrait shoots today. Went to bed at 4 AM to enjoy my last summer night and laid in bed after I woke up. This afternoon was actually terrible but I won't get into that. The good thing that happened today though was that my mom accepted Christ into her life! She's a Christian now. :) God bless her.

Filled up the gas tank for my car so it'll be ready for another year of driving to school! Also stopped by the mall to buy some shorts that I've been wanting for a very long time (got them on sale too)! At night, my friend came over to watch my DVRed Camp Rock 2 even though I was disappointed with the movie. Overall, I'd say it was quite a memorable end to summer.

Now I'm just sitting here kind of pondering and also writing my college application essay about community. Guess what I'm writing about? The Blip community!! I promised a good blip today and I'm sorry I couldn't really offer that. I did take a picture of my essay though just for you guys to see!

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