With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Pillow talk

A new version of how many people can you get into a mini, but spread out during the course of the day.

I started off feeling terrible. I felt I'd really messed up with the self dosing thing and put up with far more pain than necessary and then found it difficult to explain how I felt. I'm sure the staff thought I was complaining about them, when I was just a bit uspet I'd misunderstood things somehow. Anyway, myself and Antonia my room mate were feeling a bit upset and ignored by 10.30am, when we hadn't washed or had breakfast and then came champion nurse. He was explaining how I had to get moving and so I showed how I wanted to get out of bed, Lazarus style, but they hadn't let me. And he said, Oh great, and you can have a shower too! Words like honey! So I sat and showered and washed my hair and brushed it and emerged feeling like the million dollar woman. Antonia got the sensible, straight forward talk to, and could get on with using her newly fixed hip too. Two happy girls with something to do to help themselves. I've since walked up and down the corridor twice and even went down in the lift. It reall feels like a miracle and I'm truly grateful for the wonderful staff here and the system that supports it.

I've had loads of lovely visitors today. Here's Ana (Leon in March), Jose, Clara and Anna. Clara and Anna in particular need huge hugs, bigger than I can give them with my staples. I wish I could have posted everyone who appeared on my bed today. Thinking of starting a new blog - In Son Llattzer bed with Rach. Somewhere between Madonna and Jo Brand?? A lot of glamorous blondes and beautiful, beautiful morenas. Thanks for all the fruit.

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