secret garden

By freespiral

big, bold sky!

After the storms, winds and torrential rain of yesterday - today was amazing! Against all forecast predictions, the sun was out as were some astonishingly massive and multi-layered clouds! Up uncustomary early, I had to stop several times on my way to work to gawp and blip.

Ah work ... exhausted after just a morning with the 4 year olds - they are so tiny, and the smallest has not even been to playgroup so I'm full of admiration for how he's coping. He was wrecked and starving by 9.30 but we persevered! Tomorrow it's full day so I'm girding my loins for a bit of Autumn fun!

The gorgeousness of the day prompted me to go for a swim - it was unbelievably cold and I think that my be that for this year!

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