Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

The Monoliths

Nobody quite knew when they had arrived and nobody really understood why they were there, but they did know that life was never going to be the same again.

The first night after their arrival there was a chill wind and the harvest mice sheltered beside the monoliths to keep warm. There seemed to be a warmth emanating from the monoliths, a comforting warmth that wrapped itself round the harvest mice passing through them and making them feel safe. In the morning they remained where they were. They did not make their normal dawn dash for the cover of the hedgerows - they did not need to.

That evening the house mice came into their field. They were not welcome. They were bigger and stronger than the harvest mice and they knew it and with the joy of a bully who sees some weak unprotected prey they approached their harvest cousins. But tonight things were going to be different, tonight the harvest mice were now coming towards them. The house mice had no idea what was going on as the harvest mice rose up on their hind legs with sticks and stones in their front paws.

Life was never going to be the same again.

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