All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cheeky Monkey

Foreveryoung stayed over at our house last night. It has been a while since she did that and was really nice to have her around all day.

She was commenting this morning on how well Ethan now sits up in his cot and that he's looking like he'll be able to pull himself upright via the cot bars. Guess it may soon be time to lower the mattress!

Along with my hubbie and Ethan, we went to Callender House in Falkirk. I wasn't sure how pushchair friendly it would be but apart from some internal steps, they have installed lifts so it was easy to get to the exhibits on the upper floors.

We then drove over to Doune to visit my in-laws, stopping off at Doune Castle on the way. My sister went in for a wander. However, hubbie and I have been inside before so we just went for a short walk outside with Ethan instead.

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