
By Nigel

Red Light Distraction

One of the toy guns featured in a previous blip has a 'Laser Targetting Device' i.e. one of those laser pointer things. The cat goes absolutely crazy chasing the thing around the house.
Which makes me wonder when I see programs on the telly constantly saying that cats mainly use 'spatial awareness' (I think that's what they call it) and that their sight is not very good, they detect objects by movement and the changes in air pressure that result. I think it's all rubbish, my cat spends half his time looking at himself in the morror and the rest of it (when not asleep) chasing a none existent point of light around.
Recently, after seeing 'The Mean Kitty Song' on YouTube we decided to change the cats name to 'King Leonidas' (we had also just watched '300') as he looks and acts like the cat called Sparta in the song, except he's five years old and 9kg, all muscle...

Canon a520

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