
By Barking

A taste of heaven for just $2.90

After a rather expensive shopping trip where I bought an uber padded camera bag for my precious 20D and a new pair of Merrell walking shoes (my old ones have just fallen apart), we went to the greengrocer (what a quaint term).

As we drove up, I saw a sign for strawberries for only $2.90. I mentioned yesterday that I have a few addictions, strawberries are another to add to the list. They've been a bit forced so far this year but these looked really red and juicy.

Drooling, I managed to take a few shots of them and decided to make the green stalks/leaves the star of the show for a change. It's not something we look at very often on strawberries. It's just plucked off and thrown uncermoniously into the compost bin. Assignment19 has enabled me to let them shine. Strawberries from a different perspective.

Summer's just around the corner, I can feel it in my waters. Strawberries for tea, yeah!


traceyflowerpot posted a wee 'jersey-wearing' bug. Over here, ours are just dusting off the board shorts.

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