life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

Chinese traveller

Suzo recently bought her Maw a book called 'The Chinese Traveller in Edinburgh' (I think that was the title). As you do when you buy someone else a book I flicked through it and it was brilliant. The author came over here in the early 19 hundreds and one can only imagine the culture shock what with language and weather in particular. He documented his time here in a beautifully written journal acompanied by little sketches and poems. He recounts his experiences of 'cold land warm people' in such vivid language you can see yourself there, I only read a small bit but was totally captivated and vowed to get a copy, He also, much to my delight, did a Dublin version which I must track down. Anyhow whilst taking in the afternoon air up Calton hill I came across this wee Chinese man sitting on the wall at the observatory sketching his view of Princes street with his wee box of pastels.Nice wee guy spoke no english but understood I wanted to picture him and his work and made no occasion of it just carried on drawing.I thought of his fellow chinese traveller and I was back there with him too. A lovely moment.

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