Outcomes of the big plan

Stage 1 of the big plan was implemented last week when Corin sorted out the attic.

Stage 2 was implemented today which involved me clearing out my wardrobes in the bedroom and doing some major recycling and removals. As a consequence, 10 bags of clothes went to the Salvation Army this afternoon. 3 vacuum sealed bags of clothes have gone into the attic, along with a hanger bag containing my 4 "LBDs" and my wedding dress. All that remains in my wardrobe are my work trousers and shirts, 2 jumpers, 3 t-shirts, 2 pairs of jeans and my undies. The shoes will be sorted tomorrow.

Stage 2 also involved the clearing of other cupboards and surfaces - so my toiletries have been radically rationalised and my umpteen bottles of perfume put in a box and packed away for the time being. Corin cleared out the cupboard at the top of the stairs, which for 4 years has been his hidey hole where his playstation was housed - no more, it is now a linen cupboard, and home to my toiletries and other miscellany.

I've managed to have a big clear out in the office too, so I am about to venture forth into the attic for the 4th time today to stash things (tidily) up there that really do not need to be in this room. Then I can transfer a set of shelves downstairs for our ever expanding book collection.

The painting - I did it about 3 years ago - it was under the bed, along with 2 others. We have managed to manouvre (sp) them into the attic. Seems a shame to hide it up there, but currently there is nowhere to hang it.

When stage 25 of the plan is completed, and the upstairs of our house has been gutted, soundproofed, plastered, painted, carpeted and the furniture installed, then there WILL be wall space!

night night

PS - forgot to say - my friend's story from yesterday - there were also a number of photos of her daughter as well. Terrifying. I'd have planted the guys - particularly when their response when challenged about why they had taken photos of their daughter was "but she is so beautiful". I'd have flown into a rage.

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