David Harrington

By davidharrington

016/365 - For the Birds

I know that the title of this may not make much sense, but that's just because you don't know the whole story. :) So here it is. A couple of years ago, we put out some bird seed in one of our flower beds. A few days later, we had a wind storm that knocked almost all of the seed into the bed. Now, every year, we have these lovely flowers (aka weeds) that spring up. They are just beautiful, and we can't bear to cut them down.

I was out mowing grass this morning, since this is the first cool Saturday in Georgia since early July, and I noticed the deep blue sky. I decided to try to isolate the flowers against the sky, and it turned out fairly well (at least in my opinion). I love to hear your opinion on it. Thanks, and happy blipping!

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